"It’s like a light came on and a door opened. I truly feel like I found a part of myself that was lost.”

Discover Your Human Design:

Unlock the Secrets to Living Your Best Life

Are you on a quest to find your life purpose, yet feel as though you're stumbling around in the dark?

That's where Human Design can help. This groundbreaking system provides a comprehensive insight into your unique energy, personality, and life journey. By exploring your Human Design, you'll unlock a richer understanding of who you are.

You'll discover why the same force that created the mountains, oceans, and galaxies

thought the world needed one of you too.


Access your Original Blueprint

🦋 Three months before you were born, your unique genetic blueprint was established.

🦋 At birth, you were imprinted with a PLAN OF YOUR LIFE, influenced by the positions of planets and stars and the stream of neutrinos (microcells) that pass through everything in the Universe.

🦋 Human Design provides a framework for understanding and accessing this blueprint.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your life?

🦋 OVERCOME OBSTACLES to achieve your goals

🦋 Gain insights for effective DECISION-MAKING and action

🦋 Feel EMPOWERED to live a fulfilling and purposeful life

Live the life you were born to live!


Discover who you were born to be

🦋 Distinguish between your Self and your CONDITIONING

🦋 Understand your BEHAVIOUR patterns and habits

🦋 Uncover the dynamics of your RELATIONSHIPS

🦋 Discover what moves you away from your SOUL PATH

🦋 Reveal your LIFE PURPOSE


A Tool for Empowerment

🦋 Find and follow your TRUE NORTH

🦋 Gain AWARENESS of your unique conscious and unconscious traits

🦋 Recognize and embrace your STRENGTHS and overcome your challenges

🦋 Discover the life you were born to live and how to REACH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL


The Benefits

🦋 Clarity and direction:

Gain a clear understanding of your life path and purpose

🦋 Confidence and self-awareness:

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and make intentional choices

🦋 Improved relationships:

Understand others' energies and designs, and build stronger connections

🦋 Decision-making ease:

Make decisions that align with your design, reducing stress and anxiety

🦋 Personal growth and fulfillment:

Live in alignment with your authentic self and values.

"It's like a user handbook for your life!"



Human Design is a complex system that combines astrology, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah to provide a personalized blueprint for your life.

This system analyzes celestial positions at your birth to reflect your inner nature and genetic influences in an accessible format using:

🦋 Your Personal Astrology - A snapshot of the cosmos at birth

🦋 I Ching - Chinese divination

🦋 Kabbalah - Tree of life

🦋 Chakra System - Your 9 energy systems

🦋 Neutrino physics - Energy emitted from the stars

🦋 DNA blueprint - The Genetic Human Code



Your Human Design Chart, derived from your birth date, time, and place, reveals your unique genetic design. It's not a personality test or a horoscope, but a unique chart that reveals your:

🦋 Energy type:

Are you a Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector?

🦋 Life path:

What's your purpose and direction in life?

🦋 Decision-making strategy:

How do you make decisions and navigate life's challenges?

🦋 Emotional and psychological patterns:

What drives your emotions and behaviors?

Read what people are saying about their Human Design

Groundbreaking! I love my Human Design report! The information resonated profoundly (even the parts that were a little challenging to hear) and now I have an intuitive compass guiding me forward.

I've always known that I have my own unique way of navigating the world, but something magical happened when I read it in my Human Design. It was the nudge I needed to give myself full permission to live from this place, and it gave me direction on how to fully live it!

I'm a professional life coach, and after reading my Human Design and implementing my new strategy for living, I was overcome with the powerful desire to bring this personalized wisdom to all my clients, and coach them using their Human Design as the foundational reference.

To combine Human Design with coaching, to help support the discovery, choice, and action phases is groundbreaking. Taking this powerful system and using it as a foundation for coaching feels like potent alchemy.

It provides a shortcut to get to the core of what really matters about your life and work, starting with your personal blueprint - fantastic!

Szos St.Germain

Life-Affirming and Changing at the Same Time! By reading and feeling the Human Design that Debra created for me, I realize that the new path I'm on in my life appears to be in beautiful alignment with my authentic self.

It has been such a strange and wondrous path, yet unfamiliar and unknown, but it is evident that it is the correct path, and so many of my fears have abated in reading, with my own eyes and heart, things I had suspected for so long.

The impact that Debra's Human Design has had on me is already profound and I cannot wait to see how more profound and delightful my journey will be as I use my Human Design to continue and grow more into my authentic self.

Audrey Frawley

I Found Myself!

OMG thank you. It was like seeing my life before me. I have experienced and felt absolutely everyone of those. I just did not have a clue as to why. I resonated with so many key points. Pretty incredible, amazing, miraculous really. It is like a light came on and a door opened after I read this. Makes so much sense. I truly feel like I found a part of myself that was lost.

It Made Perfect Sense!

When I read my Human Design it was like a light was turned on in the room of my past, why I did things and how I felt NOW made perfect sense and it also illuminated my path forward making it so much easier to move ahead.

Amazing Insights!

WOW, lots of sighs of relief, lots of hmmmm's and LOTS of AHA's. Amazing insights. I'll definitely have to read it over again (and again) to take it all in.

Interesting how so much of it resonated- what I already knew deep inside. It brings a sense of peace to be reminded of who I really am. I feel a calm and air of empowerment after reading it. It's definitely a map/guide book/instruction manual for who I really am.

Human Design is your blueprint translated into a reading that will open your eyes to the truth about who you really are and how you function best on this earth.

Know others as you know yourself

  • Understand your partners, children, and friends on a deeper level

  • Discover what makes your partner unique and how to build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship

  • Guide your children towards a career that aligns with their strengths and passions

  • Motivate and inspire your employees to achieve their full potential

  • Enhance your business by leveraging the unique strengths and talents of your team.

Take the First Step Towards Living Your Best Life

Order Your Human Design Today!

Human Design by Debra Jones

Please be patient as I create your unique, personalized report that is NOT computer-generated.

You will receive your order by email within 14 days.

Thank you!

© 2024 Debra Jones Healing Centre